Crocs for comfort... I agree because when crocs FIRST came out I had nothing to say. I was in shock that people were wearing these garden shoes for their 24-7 shoes. What really is the point of them? Are they supposed to feel like you’re not even wearing shoes? They look like something a doctor should be wearing when working a 10 hour shift. If that’s the case, then I don’t even think they look that safe. Safe, as in secure. I think that rubber shoes should be used for fishermen fly fishing in a river bend. Not for society. Now they are starting to make crocs in disguise. The flat ones so that if you wear jeans that are really long, you won’t even be able to tell you’re wearing them. The name Croc reminds me of a crocodile. They look like alligators in a way. Rubber alligators with holes throughout the shoe. On top of that they try to make them fun by having pins that little kids can put on them. Maybe take them to the beach? I just think that the sand would get stuck in them and you would regret ever buying those damn things. Will I pay thirty dollars to buy some shaped rubber? Hells no, buy real shoes with LEATHER and rubber that will last you for YEARS. They actually have crocs that have wedges now, sad? It’s like the business woman that couldn’t handle wearing REAL shoes for 10 years so resorted to these bad boys. I was walking through the mall the other day and there was a whole STORE of crocs! Not just a kiosk…A STORE. Do you want to know how many people were in there? Two, both employees behind the register. To me the crocs should be kept outside by the dirt, not strolling around town.

Shapeups for comfort…I guess because I don’t know what else they’d be good for? If you want to be two inches taller just wear high heels. If you’re a guy who wants to be two inches taller, just don’t where shapeups? Instead of the alligator shoes, these are like horse hooves. People are supposed to wear them to work out, what happened to Nike? How can you carry them on your feet?
They could not have this commercial with ACTUAL shapeups, because that would not be sexy. It would probably be offensive if anything. Congratulations for finally realizing that that extra two inches of rubber are not appeasing. So what happens? They keep the comfort of the shapeup shoe and flatten them out like they should’ve done in the beginning. Yes, I still think that the advertisement is ridiculous, but as mentioned before, a LOT better than the hooves. It’s like the shoes from the 90s that kids had from Vans that literally made you noticeably taller. Shoes have evolved from bad to worse, but I have to give someone credit for at least trying for originality. As with the Ugs and many other stereotypical shoes, they end up becoming ‘all the rage’ once one person has them.